Watch Out For The Latest Scams That Misuse ACCESSTRADE’s Company Name – ‘Warning Letter’ and ‘Part-Time Job’

 Beware of Online Scams

ACCESSTRADE’s company name is once again being misused in online scams! Therefore, we would like to re-emphasize that ACCESSTRADE MALAYSIA IS NOT INVOLVED IN ANY SCAMS and we advise you to be alert towards these scams as shown below!

‘Warning Letter’ Scams

'Warning Letter' Scams

With regard to this ‘warning latter’ scam (as shown in the screenshot above) misusing our INTERSPACE group and ACCESSTRADE company name/logo as well as fake signatures of our management, which was reported by Singapore internet users earlier in November 2021, we would like to announce that ACCESSTRADE only sends emails and information through ACCESSTRADE official accounts. We will NEVER send emails including signatures of ACCESSTRADE staff or merchants to individual internet users.

‘Part-Time Job’ Scams

'Part-Time' Job Scams
'Part-Time' Job Scams' Website
'Part-Time' Job Scams' App

As shown in the screenshots, there are fake ‘part-time job’ opportunities that misuse our INTERSPACE group and ACCESSTRADE company name/logo being offered online as well. This is similar to the previous scam that we have encountered.

Also, please note that currently we do not have any mobile applications being offered for the public’s usage, nor do we require any sort of payment from our publishers under any circumstances.

Important Notes

Please DO NOT CLICK on these phishing websites below or similar links!

LOOK OUT for these phone numbers that might belong to the scammers!
+6016-8524683 (Bryan)
+603-27024558 (Michelle)
+6011-72525906 (Jenny)
+6016-9476808 (Mandy Lew)

BEWARE of these bank accounts that belong to the scammers!
Arzehat Bin Ahmad
0213129000019703 (BSN)

Chuah Chee Choong
1013141100050843 (BSN)

Ng Kim Fook
1410041100094088 (BSN)

Afandi Bin Abd Rahim
7037045256 (CIMB)

Nur Wahid Bin Tumira
1012829000010246 (BSN)

Muhammad Aliff Bin Ismail
7628587094 (CIMB)

Aside from that, please make sure to visit our OFFICIAL websites only. As for any other website domains including the wording INTERSPACE or ACCESSTRADE, they are NOT OFFICIAL sites.

INTERSPACE Group Company OFFICIAL Websites:


Please also be aware that ACCESSTRADE will NEVER ask our publishers or any individual internet users for payment under any circumstances. 

If you receive suspicious messages or come across suspicious websites misusing our INTERSPACE group and ACCESSTRADE company names/logos/signatures, please contact us at immediately. We need your kind cooperation in the effort to get rid of these scams. Thank you!

Source : Watch Out For Latest Scams Misusing ACCESSTRADE's Company Name

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Ezna Khalili said…
Macam-macam la cara orang nak buat duit mudah sekarang ni. Link ni kadang takut nak click sebab takut virus ajer. Bagus share link dan no account scammer ni. Beware of scammer.....
Rawlins GLAM said…
Thanks so much for this detailed information about the scammers. Gonna share the info with my family and friends
Princesa3290 said…
Thanks for the info. Have to becareful then if we get email from accestrade. Thanks for sharing!
Bella Jamal said…
Bahaya la sekarang. Mcm macam cara nak menipu duit orang. Baru ni kawan terkena scmmer online banking. Habis beribu duit. Scam dari kanada. Kene make sure pakai secure website then pastulqn bukan link yg salah.
there are so many scammers now a days.. we need to be ectra careful